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May 28, 2024
Clock Icon - Dark X Webflow Template
 min read

Improved Data Backup and Recovery

By connecting AWS S3, Acronis, and Slack, we reduced data loss risk and improved recovery times.

Improved Data Backup and Recovery


A data management company experienced high risks of data loss and lengthy recovery times due to manual backup processes.


We connected AWS S3 (storage) with Acronis (backup) and Slack (notifications). This automation performed data backups from company servers to AWS S3 using Acronis, with backup status notifications in Slack.


  1. Data loss risk reduced by 70%
  2. Recovery time reduced by 50%
  3. 20% of IT data management FTEs reallocated
Improved Data Backup and Recovery

Entrepreneur and expert in leading digital transformation for global billion-dollar companies.

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